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215.515.3360You can transport firearms through Philadelphia if you do so legally, which means complying with city, state, and federal laws for transporting weapons. If you are licensed to carry a firearm, and your gun was unloaded and stored separately and apart from its ammunition, you could have a valid defense against the charges the state leverages against you.
If you or someone you love was arrested and now faces conviction for illegally transporting firearms through Philadelphia, our criminal defense team can help. We work hard to prove you were transporting your weapons within the confines of the law. We can also help prove your arrest was invalid or that your rights were violated. Also, we will review your case for free and help you develop a solid defense strategy if we represent you.
According to 18 Pa. C.S.A § 6106, you must be licensed to carry a gun in your car or concealed on your person. Any violation of this law is considered a third-degree felony and punishable by up to seven years of incarceration, as 18 Pa. C.S.A § 1103 says.
Your license protects you from unnecessary arrest, and you should always carry it with you. You are allowed to carry a firearm without a license if it is inside your place of residence or fixed business location. You are also allowed to do so if your gun is a new purchase or recent repair and is safely and securely wrapped.
The City of Philadelphia Action Guide cites data from The Pew Charitable Trusts showing that Philadelphia ranked number five in the U.S. for firearm-related homicides among similar cities in 2018. Certain individuals cannot legally own or be licensed to carry a firearm in the city, including:
This list is in no way exhaustive, as many other individuals may be prohibited from carrying a gun under any circumstances. If you do not fit the parameters of this list, or if you were traveling through Philadelphia and were unaware of its gun control laws, we can help you fight to protect your Second Amendment right to bear arms and help you avoid the penalties of a conviction.
For a free legal consultation, call 215.515.3360
If you are arrested in connection with any criminal violation in Pennsylvania, the state must prove that you are guilty of possessing a firearm and also that you were illegally stopped and searched. . When we represent you, we clarify the state’s burden of proof and hold the prosecuting attorney to their burden. We examine and refute the charges you face and make sure you understand the range of possible penalties.
We also make sure any charges you face are not elevated by unfair or unwarranted sentencing enhancements. When we handle your case, we:
We carefully review the state’s case for accuracy and fight to remove any inaccurate information or unwarranted charges. We should move to suppress evidence if it was obtained in violation of your rights. We also negotiate plea bargains that can work in your favor and lessen the severity of your charges and possible sentences.
After you are arrested, it can be difficult to know what to do without our criminal defense team’s support. If you are properly licensed, we help you collect the documentation that proves it. Other defense strategies we implement include:
We also hold the state to its responsibility to try your case promptly and within the statute of limitations. Violations of your rights that may lead to reduced or dismissed charges include failing to promptly inform you of your Miranda rights and questioning you after you requested a lawyer.
When we represent you, we set out to prove that you meet any of the state’s exceptions that allow you to transport your firearm. Under certain circumstances, we also prove you are not obligated to carry a license. If possible, we fight for plea bargains that will not leave you with a felony conviction or a permanent stain on any subsequent background checks.
We also make sure you understand how to make sure you comply with gun transportation laws in the future.
Getting optimal results for the clients who trust us with their criminal defense is always our goal. When they tell others about us, satisfied clients say:
In addition to client reviews, you can also read more about the results we have obtained for previous defendants on our case results page.
If you or a loved one was arrested on a transporting firearms charge, we will help you prove you transported your firearm legally or that your arrest was improper. To find out how our criminal defense team can help you build a strong defense against charges of carrying firearms through Philadelphia, call one of our Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC., case consultation team members at (215) 515-3360 today.
Call 24/7: 215.515.3360
Email: info@snyderlawyer.com
Fax: 215-376-6981
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