There are over 50,000 DUI arrests every year in Pennsylvania. In hopes of curbing the number of people driving under the influence, the state government passed new laws at the end of 2018 with harsher penalties for drunk driving.
Now more than ever it is necessary to hire an experienced attorney to make sure that your rights are protected should you be charged with a DUI.
But even though your attorney will do most of the heavy lifting, what you do and how you act in court can help influence how the final results turn out.
Read on, and we’ll walk you through everything you need to do so that you know how to win in court.
Pre-Trial Motions
Before the trial, your attorney can file a motion to suppress the evidence against you. This is based on an argument that your 4th amendment and/or 5th amendment rights were violated.
During this motion, your attorney will argue to the court that your rights were violated because the police didn’t have reasonable suspicion and/or probable cause to stop and arrest you.
For example, if an officer stops you while driving and assumes that you are drunk because your eyes are red and your speech is slurred, they might arrest you on DUI charges.
Your attorney can argue that the officer did not conduct a thorough enough investigation before arresting you. Attorney’s know how to come across hard-to-find technicalities that can get your case dismissed.
If the court denies your motion, then your case will proceed to trial in the typical fashion. If the court accepts the motion, then the prosecution won’t be able to use the evidence against you. This is what is known as the “exclusionary rule”.
Without evidence, the prosecution does not have anything to stand on and most likely will drop the charges.
Let’s look at what you should do if the case does go to trial.
Whenever you are in the courtroom you need to be respectful to the judge. If the judge finds you at all contemptible, you are going to have a very rough time winning your case.
When speaking to the judge, always address him/her as “your honor”. Never call them “Ma’am”, “Mr. Johnson”, or “Judge Johnson”. This is one of the first rules to know about proper court conduct if you want a fair trial.
Also, if called to testify, show confidence, but never act petty or rude. The judge will take note of your character, and your behavior will have an impact on the outcome of your case.
Don’t Interrupt
Even if you strongly disagree with what the prosecution is claiming, know that you will have your time to speak. If you feel the need to speak out, confer with your attorney to decide how best to contradict the prosecution.
Interrupting or acting in an outrageous behavior can not only hurt your case but get you fined as well.
Always show respect to courtroom traditions and the people around you. This will reflect favorably on you.
Take Notes
A lot goes on in a courtroom. It can be easy to lose track of who said what and when it was said.
Bring a notebook to court and take detailed notes. As the case proceeds, questions will probably pop into your mind that you will want to ask your attorney regarding witnesses, the prosecution, etc.
Contact The Law Offices M.J. Snyder Today!
An experienced attorney will know how to win in court. Don’t gamble with your rights by trying to represent yourself against the state. The consequences are not worth it.
By following the suggestions above, and the guidance of your attorney, you will greatly improve your chances of a favorable outcome.
Looking to win your DUI case? Contact The Law Offices of M.J. Snyder at 215-515-3360 for a FREE consultation today!