On the anniversary of the Philadelphia tear gas incident on 52nd street, I-676, attorney MJ Snyder addressed the public in a press conference. The press conference served as a reminder that the victims of the incident haven’t forgotten about the unjustified actions of the police that day. MJ Snyder represents plaintiffs that peacefully protested the death of George Floyd and innocent bystanders on May 31st and June 1st, 2020.
The press conference revealed footage of the incident that exemplifies the misconduct of the Philadelphia police department. The police opened fire with tear gas and rubber bullets against fleeing protestors. The fleeing protestors, amidst the chaos, could not vacate the premises properly due to the confusion and physical barriers. Many innocent bystanders nearby or inside their homes were also attacked and harassed by the police as well.
The number of people negatively impacted by the actions of the police on May 31st and June 1st, 2020, is staggering. Hundreds of people from various backgrounds ranging from military veterans and university students, were indiscriminately attacked by the police that had no valid reason to deploy and inflict the force they did. On behalf of her clients, she expressed the desire for reforms involving the demilitarization of the police department as well as compensation for damages sustained.