We answer calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — including holidays.
We’re Here to Help — 24/7 Availability
Whether you need immediate legal assistance or simply have questions about your situation, our team is ready to help — anytime, day or night.
If you’re dealing with an urgent legal matter — such as a recent arrest, upcoming court date, or active police investigation — we strongly encourage you to call as soon as possible at 215-515-3360. Speaking directly with an attorney is the fastest way to get the guidance you need.
For general inquiries, or if you’d prefer to write to us, please fill out the secure form below. We’ll review your information and respond promptly — typically within the same business day.
Your Information is 100% Confidential
Everything you submit through this form is private and protected. We will never share your contact information or case details with anyone.
Office Information
AddressLaw Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC
1500 Walnut, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102