Drug possession can carry lengthy sentences and hefty fines. If you or someone you love was arrested on this charge, you could be facing life-changing consequences. To prepare for your immediate and distant future, you need to know whether you might go to jail for drug possession in Pennsylvania. You also need to know the specific charges you face and the weight of the state’s case.
Depending on the type of drugs you are charged with possessing and your previous criminal record, you could face substantial jail time. You do not have to accept the charges against you without a fight. A criminal defense law firm can help you build a strong defense and possibly avoid the state’s harshest penalties.
Drug Possession in the State of Pennsylvania
The state of Pennsylvania has laws in place that could lead to incarceration or imprisonment for anyone convicted of drug possession. In accordance with Pennsylvania Health and Safety Code, Title 35, Section 780-113, you could be charged with drug possession if you “knowingly and intentionally” possessed drugs without a valid prescription. Drug possession charges can vary based on:
- The type and amount of drugs in your possession
- Your previous criminal history
- The degree of charges pressed against you
Drug possession charges in the state can include simple possession and possession with intent. Facing a conviction on your own can be challenging and stressful. A drug possession lawyer in your area can help you understand the specific charges you face. Your lawyer can also help you prove your innocence or clarify the circumstances of your arrest. They will also help you understand your rights, the state’s responsibilities, and the best defense options for you.
For a free legal consultation, call 215.515.3360
Possible Penalties for Drug Possession
The penalties you face will depend on all the factors listed above. You could face several years of incarceration and thousands of dollars in fines. Additional criminal and societal penalties can include:
- Payment of restitution, where applicable
- Separation from your friends, family, and community
- Damage to your employment and career path
- Limited residential housing options
Drug possession charges can change your life in the immediate future and in the long run. You do not have to fight back on your own. The law firm that accepts your case will work with you to develop the best possible defense strategy.
Defense Strategies Against Drug Possession Charges
When your attorney helps you fight back against the charges you face, they will clarify the strategies they can use to gain leverage in your case. Possible defense strategies can include:
- Identifying any violations of your rights that could lead to lowered or dropped charges
- Negotiating a plea agreement that could lead to lower charges and lighter sentences
- Proving you are a victim of circumstances or of mistaken identity
- Proving there was no probable cause for your arrest
If you are innocent of the charges against you, your lawyer will help you prove it. Their guidance and direction can help you avoid a wrongful conviction or pressure to accept a compromise you do not deserve. Your lawyer is more than your legal support, they are also your advocate in and out of court.
Your lawyer will also collect evidence including witness statements, medical and prescription records, and character witnesses.
How a Drug Possession Lawyer Builds Your Defense
You deserve the chance to fight back against the charges you face. When you seek the legal service and support of a local attorney, you could benefit from their familiarity with drug laws. The lawyer who represents you can bolster your case by:
- Ensuring you are aware of your options
- Examining the state’s evidence in your case
- Investigating the details of your arrest
- Investigating the charges against you
- Representing you at all phases of trial
- Requesting your release on bail or bond
One of the most difficult parts of an arrest is awaiting the outcome of your case. Your lawyer will provide you with ongoing updates on developments and progress in your case.
Your lawyer will also make sure the state lives up to its responsibilities by ensuring you receive a speedy trial. They can also make sure the statute of limitations on drug possession charges does not adversely affect your case. If it expires, your lawyer will fight to have all charges dismissed.
Get Help Fighting Drug Possession Charges in Pennsylvania
If you or someone you love was recently arrested for drug possession in Pennsylvania, we can help. Your lawyer can help you fight to avoid lengthy jail time and focus on rebuilding your future.
You have the right to defend yourself. Our law firm is committed to helping you do so. Get started today by contacting one of our Law Offices of M.J. Snyder, LLC consultation team members today.